Redefine our Future through Stronger Schools

  • The cost of higher education is out of control, and it’s keeping some of our best and brightest students from reaching their potential. I will fight to reduce the cost of higher education for all Oregon students.
  • We must expand our investments in social-emotional and behavioral health supports for students—especially as we adapt to and recover from COVID-19 and work to keep schools open.
  • Oregon is rapidly diversifying and our teachers must reflect the diversity of our student population. We must support programs that will grow and diversify our education workforce. 
  • Educators provide the power of knowledge to our students, building a strong foundation and giving Oregon the possibility of a better future. We must advocate for a living, competitive wage for all teachers and support staff by keeping the brightest minds in Oregon.
Dacia Grayber For Oregon House District 35

Redefine our Environmental Impact

Dacia Grayber For Oregon House District 35: Environment
  • Climate change is the defining problem of our generation, and we will lead the fight. Oregon must invest in progressive, forward-thinking infrastructure projects that promote public transportation. 
  • Oregon must drastically reduce our carbon emissions, and I support an aggressive tax on carbon that goes after irresponsible polluters and holds them accountable.
  • Oregon is a national leader in renewable energy. We must continue to lead the country in investments and  innovation that will help reshape our relationship with energy and slow the impacts of climate change. This is critical for Oregon’s future, because all Oregonians deserve access to clean air and clean water. 
  • A prepared Oregon is a safe and resilient Oregon. We have faced unprecedented extreme weather events and deadly wildfires, and we must continue to develop thoughtful, inclusive policy to mitigate the danger and help communities recover—including the threat of a Cascadia earthquake. 
  • We are temporary stewards of Oregon’s wild spaces. It is our job to preserve and protect those spaces for future Oregonians. This is essential to who we are.

Redefine Health and Safety
Across Local Communities

  • Health care is a human right. Every person, regardless of socioeconomic status, deserves access to high quality health care and affordable medications.
  • Oregon is the only state in the country without any restrictions on reproductive care and abortion access. I will fight any attempt to change this and work to increase access. 
  • We have a humanitarian crisis on our streets. With unhoused community members and Oregonians facing devastating addiction and recovery crises, we must take both an immediate and long-term lens to provide safe, available, affordable housing and wrap-around services. 
  • Every Oregonian should feel safe at home and in schools, especially  from gun violence. I will continue to fight for responsible, common-sense solutions towards harm-reduction. 
Dacia Grayber For Oregon House District 35: Health

Redefine the Fight for a Fair Economy

Dacia Grayber For Oregon House District 35: Economy
  • Teachers, firefighters, and nurses should never pay a higher tax rate than corporations. We must build a fairer tax code where everyone pays their fair share, and invests in our communities.
  • Oregon desperately needs more affordable housing, and with my role in the legislature, I will  prioritize policies that address the housing shortage and help people connect with places to live at a reasonable cost.
  • Oregon should be a place that welcomes immigrants and refugees, LGBTQIA families and youth, and historically underserved communities of Color–and supports them with legal protection and economic investments. A diverse Oregon is a robust and successful Oregon.
  • Small businesses are the heart and soul of Oregon’s economy, and I will support thoughtful and community-centered legislation for stronger, resilient, people-centered growth that uplifts workers and rewards innovation. 
  • We must use a lens of equity when building Oregon’s economy. We will use project labor agreements that support women and minority-owned businesses and implement community benefit agreements.